Deceived series

Deceived Deceived – #1
Deceived—Rae cannot stand his job as secretary to Prince Benedict, and the feeling is entirely mutual. In the aftermath of yet another fight, Rae lights upon the idea of giving Benedict a taste of his own seduction throughout the three day masque about to take place. But a deception meant to put a rakish prince in his place reveals a man Rae never expected, and a secret he never anticipated…

Scandalous—Since the death of his parents, who lived and died scandalously, Gideon has tried to make up for their mistakes by leading a strict, quiet life, and giving his little brother the stability he never had. On a journey home, he is waylaid by a storm—and distracted by a handsome man who proves to be more temptation than he can resist…

From Afar—Pierce has all that anyone could want in life: a doting brother, the fame and adoration from being an accomplished fencer, and his best friend. What he wants most, however, is to know the identity of the person who leaves him ardent love letters and why his admirer will not step forward…

Lessons—Bored and alone one night, Jude chances upon Crispin, who despairs of ever catching the eye of the man he loves because he’s too innocent to be appealing. Jude, a notorious rake, impulsively offers to teach him all he needs to know…

Seconds—Called to be the second to a brash yong man, Alexis seeks out the appointed second of the challenger. But the man he encounters has Alexis considering things he swore off long ago, when he decided one broken heart was more than enough.

The Wager—While serving as ambassador on his mother’s orders, Prince Lazare spends most of his time either confused and frustrated by his peers, or struggling uselessly against his growing feelings for Maitland, appointed to be his guide and assistant throughout his stay. Neither situation is improved when he learns of a mysterious wager concerning Maitland and a dead man…

Runaways—Addison hates the city, and he really hates spending all his time dancing attendance upon his brat cousin. When his cousin falls sick, Addison seizes the rare chance for solitude and flees to the park. But he is not there long before he is accosted by a stranger who is like no one Addison has ever met, and who shows him a world he actually enjoys—a world to which he will never truly belong.
The Highwayman The Highwayman – #2
Though he is his father’s heir, Bartholomew spends most of his time doing a whole lot of nothing, constantly reminded that his father doesn’t need his help, and his siblings definitely don’t want it.

When he receives word that the village back home is being plagued by a highwayman, Bart leaps at the chance to prove to his family that he can handle more responsibility, that’s he’s more than an irritating older brother always getting in the way.

But upon his arrival, the home he remember so fondly seems long gone, replaced by strangers, murder, and an old friend who seems to be only a pale, sad shadow of the boy Bart used to know…
Impractical Impractical – #3
Terrell believes strongly in an ordered, practical life. Nothing good ever came from following reckless impulses. Nearly finished with school, it is time to focus on the next step in his life—settling down at his estate, Fivecoats, and marrying a suitable spouse to oversee it while he pursues his scholarly studies. When his father sends word that he has found the ideal suitor, Terrell can only be pleased—despite the misgivings of his best friend. Marriage, after all, is perfectly practical; he has no need for nonsensical things like romance.

Kirian wants nothing to do with reasonable. His parents chose to be happy over being practical, and he refuses to settle for less, no matter what everyone around him says. Then his brash behavior catches up to him, and he is forced into a marriage that seems to be in all ways practical, but in no way happy. But beneath the icy surface of his new spouse, Kirian sees something warm and appealing, something he realizes he desperately wants—but which seems to belong to another man.
A Suitable Replacement A Suitable Replacement – #4
After three years abroad on an arduous expedition, Maximilian is happy to be home, where he can pursue his studies in peace and enjoy not living in a dusty tent. He has arrived in time to attend his twin sister’s wedding in a few months, and to finally meet her fiancé, Kelcey.

But instead of reuniting with his sister, he is instead accosted by her irate fiancé, who wants to know where she has run off to and why. When they confirm the wedding is most definitely canceled, Max has no choice but to fulfill the runaway clause in the marriage contract: he must find Kelcey a new spouse.

But instead of a simple matter of escorting a man around town and arranging a suitable match, he instead finds himself swept up in all the trouble his infuriating sister left behind.
The Lady and the Thief The Lady and the Thief – #5
Adeline has been at the mercy of others her entire life: the aunt and uncle who constantly remind her she should be grateful they took her in after her parents died of a tragic illness. Her guardian in the city who constantly reminds her that she should be grateful they’re giving her a coming of age in the city. The suitors who make it clear she should be grateful they’re lowering themselves to even consider her.

The only person who’s ever made her feel wanted was Lisette, the maid she once fell in love with. The maid who fled in the night with stolen goods, including the pearls that were all Adeline had left of her mother.

Then, while at yet another ball where she feels alone, out of place, and trapped between choosing happiness or doing what’s expected of her, Adeline encounters the beautiful Lady Wisteria—whom Adeline knows better as the maid Lisette…