Despite the dearth of work from me, I am steadily getting back on my writing feet. I haven’t had much chance recently, between travel and LT3, but as of today I did get some actual, real writing done, and I’m actively working between three WIPs (Fallen King, Toymaker, and Like No Other, though that one is still mostly in the research stage).
First thing first: On June 27th, from 18:00 to 21:00 EST, I will be hosting a chat on FB. The official link is here. All are welcome, but please do not show up just to start trouble. This is for peeps and such to get a chance to talk to me, and ask questions and the like. And it’s a pretty stress-inducing thing for me; I didn’t decide to do it lightly. So if you only show up to cause problems, you’ll get bounced. Otherwise, please be welcome and I’ll try to answer all the questions I can 🙂
Speaking of June 27th, that’s the release date for a new book!
This story sprung from a prompt on twitter that I really liked. I don’t know that the person who tweeted it still follows me, but it is dedicated to her. This story is set in Deceived verse, and follows the travails of a young woman who is struggling to break free of her oppressive guardians, and who is astonished to see that her former maid, who fled her home after stealing jewelry and more, is now suddenly a mysterious lady of society. A few familiar faces make appearances 😉
The next book in the series will be about Edith, and will be MFF.
And to go with Lady’s release, the rest of the books have matching covers (finally) andhave been dusted off. No major rehauls, but I have tweaked some scenes and cleaned up typos and things like that. As ever, if you already have them and want the updated versions, just email I have several emails from peeps already, but those who contracted my gmail and those who emailed LT3. I’m finishing up the last of the books now, and once the new ebooks are made I’ll send them out. I’m sorry for the delay! Traveling put me further behind than I anticipated.
Many will recognize some of these stories from right here on my website. Those have been touched up, some of them significantly expanded and/or changed, some are relatively the same. They’re both MM (+), I am aiming with future volumes to include women, etc.
The first volume includes familiar stories The Assistant, The Three Kings, and The Tycoon. The last two especially have received significant changes. New stories include The Bastard Son, about some familiar faces from a certain Round Table, and The Demon Slayer, in which our Tycoon meets his match 😉
The second volume, coming out next month, includes: statue porn, tentacle porn, and smoke porn (I’m not really sure what I can do next in regards to ????porn). Those stories are all brand new. The familiar ones in this volume will be The Assassin and The Lion and the Mouse.
This short little series about bodyguards and the reckless nerds they’re sworn to protect is complete. All three are poly. Book one and three are MMF, book two is MMM. They are best read in sequence. All characters are bisexual, except Symaia, who is biromantic and asexual (of the sex-positive variety).
I hope everyone who’s read them has enjoyed, and thank you very much for the support. Especially those who took a chance on my MMF when that is not your usual thing <3
Note: These are not LT3 books. The first two are with Ninestar Press, and the last one is self-published.
Rasnake was previously part of a Fairytales Slashed anthology. It has not changed significantly. If you would like the stand-alone version, you know what to do. For the unfamiliar, it’s a bit of a take on
Dragon Magic was my first major release this year, about four men who get accidentally bound together and must go on a Quest if they’re to be rid of each other. I hope peeps have mostly enjoyed it. I’ve gotten a few strong words about the ending, which I did not expect, so.
Mercenaries of the Stolen Moon is obviously the next High Court book. Ideally, it will be out in November, but I do not at this time have a for certain release date. Note this story is MMF. Jac insisted, and Jac gets what she wants, as will be made very clear throughout this story. Also I got to google ‘history of strap-ons’ so that was fun.
The Fallen King’s Penitent Soldier
This is the final High King book, and revolves around Prince Chass, Allen’s much-despised brother and Captain of Penance Gate. He’s not an easy character to write, that’s for sure. I hope I do him, and the premise, justice. We shall see.
The Imperial Dragon’s Secret Treasure
Poor Rene and Tara’s languishing story. I hate this fell by the wayside, but last year sucked. Hoping to get back to it soon.
The Toymaker’s Hoard
Another overdue story -_- This one is a prize from an LT3 Anniversary giveaway. It’s MMM, about a toymaker who accepts a commission from a young woman who intends to give it to the man she loves. Only her father is the Chief of Police, and the man she loves has a powerful noble for a father, dragging our toymaker into a situation he did not expect (a threesome).
Like No Other (working title, likely to change)
This is another story for a specific person, an auction winner 🙂 It will be a fantasy story, and a mish-mash of Romeo and Juliet and The Count of Monte Cristo. The setting is a city much like Venice in that it’s a collection of tiny islands, though the ocean rather than a canal, and it’s not sinking. Culturally, it will be inspired by a mix of Italian and Japanese elements (with reasons, it’s not just done willy nilly). Our Count comes from a family whose magic entails control of iron, which makes them famed sword makers. The rival family’s magic deals with water, which obviously makes them hella powerful.
Other books in the works include Dance in the Storm, the next Anti-Heroes book, Quest of Fools, and several others.
Thank you for reading this long, long post. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
Thanks so much for all the updates – so many things to be excited about! Can’t wait to scoop these up as they drop!
Lots of great story ideas, I’m excited to read most of these! Thanks for the update, especially for reassuring me that Quest of Fools is still underway…
I hope 2018/19 runs smoother for you!
Thanks for the update! Looking forward to the new stories!