Prisoner Dead Tree Giveaway

The print version of Prisoner will be coming out in the next couple of weeks. Because it’s my baby, and because I love my peeps, but mostly because it’s just fun, I will give away three copies of the dead tree format.

To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite char/moment/scene etc if you’ve read it, why you want to give it a try if you haven’t. Be warned of possible spoilers in the comments, those who have not read it

Please note comments may take some time to appear, as I have to approve new commenters. This is because of how much spam I get a day. So, don’t worry, eventually your comment will show :3

One entry per person. Winners will be randomly selected using Contest closes next Wednesday, May 18th, at 20:00.

64 thoughts on “Prisoner Dead Tree Giveaway

  1. I remember reading this story before LT3 even came out. xD As far as favorite scenes…god. Probably either when Beraht takes arcen after getting to Illusor with Dieter and undergoes a suicide mission that ended in his permanent loss of arcen usage…or when he realized Dieter’s sword’s name and hunted that stubborn fool down to get some much needed answers.

  2. *whines* you ask such hard questions… I don’t suppose /everything/ would be an acceptable answer? Because that would probably be the most truthful one. If I had to pick a favourite character it would probably be Behrat, followed closely by Dieter (or is it the other way around? oh I don’t know, I love them both to bits). My favourite moment/scene… well that’s a little harder since I love every moment of the book, but one of the ones that comes to mind at the moment is the Coliseum scene *purrs* love that one on every level.

    I haven’t read Prisoner since the ebook came out (though I did read my old print copy several months before that when Bound ebook came out) so when I (re?)read it for the like, fifth time I would be able to more accurately tell you my favourite scene… Maybe? Probably not actually (will stop rambling now >_>)

  3. I just absolutely adore this series. All of the different characters and their interactions. I love the angst that Beraht goes through over Dieter giving him a name, and that Dieter doesn’t get it at first, then eventually does get it. And how that becomes the thing that actually brings them together in the end, even though it caused so much unintentional pain originally. I love the angst-then-love relationships. You do them soooo well. I always know that I can rely on you for a happy ending. =)

    ALSO, that drabble that you did with Beraht and Dieter in the bathtub. GUH. Seriously awesome. And the one where they get engaged. =) Love this couple. I’d love to get to read this new version. I’m a poor college student, and will probably eventually buy one anyway, but it’d be nice to get one now. LOVE your writing. Thanks for all the enjoyable reads and rereads I’ve gotten out of your books. I still haven’t read Bound yet, but I’ll get to that too eventually. I’m saving up. =)

  4. If Dieter were straight, I’d have his babies. And you know how far that goes for me to say.

    Of every character you’ve ever written, Dieter is the one who has always been closest to my heart. Maybe it’s the Fieldmarshal thing, (See my most recent LJ for the relevance there) but for me, always always always him.

    My fav scenes are in the coliseum, and in the yard when he tells the name of his sword, and again when he confesses to Beraht that his sword is indeed named. There are also a ton of smaller moments, when he watches over Beraht after the chamber, and the very end is of course excellent. But some of my absolute favorites are in your drabbles. The dancing one comes straight to mind.

    Hmm, now that I think of it, it’s probably best if I wrap this up before I wax poetic for much longer. I think I’ll go read a Prisoner drabble while I’m at it.

  5. It’s been far too long since I’ve read Prisoner; I’ve been saving it away for a rainy day. But flipping through it, I found a scene that, if it’s not a favorite, it’s at least beautiful, in chapter 7 when Sol and Iah wake up after a night together. Iah’s looking over the scenery, with the brightly garbed nobles against the white snow and the more plainly garbed soldiers and thinking how much he loves Krian culture. It’s an “aw” moment. 😀 Yay internationalism.

  6. Aaah I love the love-hate interaction between Dieter and Beraht, but the coliseum scene was my favourite by far– nothing quite beats having life and death hang on a single crushing kiss I think. =3

  7. I absolutely love Prisoner, it was the first dead tree book of yours I bought and I still reread it every couple of months. My favorite part of Prisoner is actually one of the drabbles, Proposal. I read that drabble every time I feel down or depressed, or just whenever I think of Prisoner but don’t have time to read the entire book.

    Something about that drabble just makes me feel better about life. I think what I like so much about it is that, to me, it really shows just how difficult it is for the two of them to have anything close to a normal relationship, but they stick it out and make each other happy, and that’s all that really matters.

    I’m not really commenting for the chance to win. A free book is always nice, but I know I’ll be buying a copy no matter what. I really just wanted to tell you that your writing makes me happy, since I’m a lurker and probably wouldn’t tell you otherwise. So thank you for writing, you make the world a better place. ^_^

  8. I adore Prisoner.

    The interaction between Dieter and Beraht is full of fireworks and is so fun to read. I have so many favorite parts. Everytime Beraht ends up in Dieter’s bed; everytime Dieter tells Berhat that ‘he is mine’ and that arcen kiss!!! I do also adore all the drabbles and especially the one invovling the bathtub and Beraht’s bruises.

    Prisoner is just <3 <3 <3

  9. I love Beraht! Dieter comes in a close second, but I can’t resist Beraht! Favourite scenes would be whenever he and Dieter fights, and he kicks him and then they kiss…. 🙂 Its got token resistance written all over it, from both of them <3

  10. Unfortunately, I haven’t had an opportunity to read Prisoner yet (poor college student….. not many books for me that aren’t required for class). That’s one of the main reasons why I would love a copy. And I follow you online and have in the past ordered a couple of your other books. I justlove your style of writing so I’d want to read anything you write.

    But another reason I’m interested in the story is because of the posted drabbles about Dietrich, and his relationship with Dieter. I’ve read the couple of stories about Dietrich that have been posted, and I think he’s such a lovable character that I’d read anything that had to do with him even if he’s not yet entered the picture. <3 Plus, he's so devoted to Dieter, even before they meet, that it makes me so curious to know more about Dieter beyond the drabbles posted online. Beraht interests me too; I love how self-sufficient he is in the drabbles and would love to understand him better.

    Anyway, I basically just really want to read it and probably won't have a chance for a while otherwise…..

    Side note –

    I've been avoiding reading the other comments so that when I do read it at some point in the future (which will happen), I won't have it spoiled 🙂 But judging from the volume, there's a whole lot of love for this book, so wherever the copies end up will be a good home. And that's all any author asks for, I think 🙂

  11. One of my favorite moments was Dieter telling the students in the yard what his sword’s name was. In that moment he seemed to realize, Yes, his sword DID have a name, and Bright was it for him–Beraht was it for him, and also the one person who would never see him that way (or so he thought; Esta knew better ^_^).

    That moment is tied in my head with the one in which Dieter kisses Beraht in front of the Kaiser to give him Arcen and a chance to escape…and then Beracht does the unthinkable, takes the sword, and appears next to Dieter in the Ring of Impending Doom rather than using the Arcen to escape alone. LOVED that! ^_^


  12. As much as I love Beraht, I would have to say Dieter. My definite favorite moment was when Beraht and Esta were dancing and Esta sneakily asks Beraht what his name meant and how it’s the same name as Dieter’s sword. (BIG SQEE moment right there.) Then of course the sudden ~realization~ Ahh <3

  13. I just finished the ebook, having read everything in exactly the wrong order: online drabbles, Bound, Prisoner. That being said, I loved them all and now want to go back and read them in the right order. 😉 Favorite characters are Sol and Iah, but I’m going to cheat a little for what I really like best about Prisoner and combine it with Bound (which, I must confess, I loved even more than Prisoner). I love that between the two books, you cover a character for each season: Dieter’s connections to the Autumn Prince are obvious, both in his somber personality, his skills and revenge, and in external symbols; Erich’s connection to Winter is explicit, but his personality also mirrors the time of rest and healing; Ingolf is clearly Spring, melting not only Erich but the hostility among three nations and creating a new beginning; and Sol, with his name that means “sun” and his summer voice that gives warmth and light to Iah’s dark world. <3

  14. why I want to give this a try….question is…why wouldn’t i? 😀
    I’ve read numerous drabbles, and loved them all. (So awesomely good!)
    (Would I be sucking up if I said I loved your writing?)
    Anyways, to sum it up, I love the characters (especially Dieter), it’s your writing, and it’s in print form (0.0)!

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