Never a dull moment around this joint

First up, Poison is out! I always dare to be super pleased with a book when my editor fangirls it, and Samantha has declared this one booted out Burning Bright as her favorite so far ^__^ Now I just have to worry that Chaos will live up to expectations as the last book in the series. In the meantime, my darling peeps, enjoy Poison! 😀

Samantha and the rest of my family had a bit of excitement in the zero dark hours of the morning. The lights began to flicker and the house filled with smoke, which is entirely too much WTF for that hour. Thankfully, it turned out to be the AC going out with a bang.

Speaking of drama, publisher Noble Romance is going up in smoke after a long streak of mistreating its writers. Always be careful who you sub to. Ask other authors, editors; there’s always websites around that discuss such things. I hope the authors at Noble get their rights back sooner rather than later, and all the money they’re still owed.

Received this proof in the mail today! 😀 Author copies will be ordered this week and go out next week ^__^

I am being an attention h0r on the serialized fiction right now. Love You Like a Romance Novel, and my shorts The Werewolf of Grey Lake Inn, and Made for You are now all running. Werewolf will conclude the Bad Moon Rising serial, which will be replaced by the truly awesome Season of the Satyr by the lovely Alison Bailey 😀

There is a shiny new submission call up at LT3. Check out if you’re so inclined:

That’s all I’ve got. Will actually have some Friday Recs again this week ^__^

3 thoughts on “Never a dull moment around this joint

  1. I love Poison, I was totally squirming in my seat from excitement. Noire is adorable and I really wanted to cry over the end. I knew the person who was behind everything was the Faerie Queen, but I didn’t figure out why. It was sad though, that she couldn’t let go and find happiness with someone else. She was just so stuck on the past and wouldn’t let go. I was very excited for Ailil and Ivan though. I can’t wait for Chaos to come out, I hope Licht gets a happy ending like his siblings.

  2. *minor fangirl moment* Squeeee, Poison!!! <3 *coughs* Okay, now that that's over and done with, on with the rest of this whole comment thing. ^^ I just wanted to take the step from lurking like a creepy stalker fan to being a communicating stalker fan to say that I adore your world building and everything that I've read thus far of yours. :3 I'll let you get back to non-stalkerdom now, until I can't help myself.


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